NHS Nurses to be given £1,000 each to spend on training in bid to stop staff leaving
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NHS Nurses to be given £1,000 each to spend on training in bid to stop staff leaving

This article was taken from: https://inews.co.uk/news/health/nhs-nurses-extra-funding-pay-rise-training-budget/ By Paul Gallagher at I News Increase part of government’s commitment to improving patient care and securing a sustainable future for the NHS Nurses will be given £1,000 each over three years to help their careers develop in an effort by the Government to stop staff leaving the NHS….

Cancer ‘biggest middle-age killer in rich nations’
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Cancer ‘biggest middle-age killer in rich nations’

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-49558223 By BBC Health news Cancer now causes more deaths among the middle-aged in higher-income countries than cardiovascular disease, a study suggests. Globally, heart problems and stroke is the leading cause of death at this age. But the researchers say people in rich nations are 2.5 times more likely to…

Cancer patients in England ‘diagnosed too late’ due to staff shortages
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Cancer patients in England ‘diagnosed too late’ due to staff shortages

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/sep/02/cancer-patients-in-england-diagnosed-too-late-due-to-staff-shortages By Sarah Boseley Health editor Cancer Research UK estimates 115,000 people diagnosed at stage 3 or 4, hampered by chronic lack of skilled diagnostic staff At least 115,000 cancer patients in England are diagnosed at an advanced stage each year, too late to have the best chance of survival, say…

Pharmacies to offer heart checkups in new NHS England scheme
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Pharmacies to offer heart checkups in new NHS England scheme

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/sep/02/pharmacies-to-offer-heart-check-ups-in-new-nhs-england-scheme By Seth Jacobson Early detection service at 320 pharmacies aims to prevent heart attacks and strokes Heart checkups are to be offered at high street pharmacies under new plans from NHS England, as part of a programme which seeks to prevent tens of thousands of heart attacks and strokes over the…

Chancellor must use spending review to fund future nurses
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Chancellor must use spending review to fund future nurses

This article was taken from: http://www.independentnurse.co.uk/news/chancellor-must-use-spending-review-to-fund-future-nurses/218706/ By  Alex Turnbull The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) is calling on the Chancellor to tackle the crisis in the funding of nursing further education in the government spending review due next month. According to the RCN, the latest figures on acceptances to nursing degree courses show the numbers…