Four steps this Earth Day to avert environmental catastrophe
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Four steps this Earth Day to avert environmental catastrophe

Today on International Earth Day we look at what has been achieved to combat climate change and more. This article was taken from: By Simon Lewis With political pressure and these smart policy goals, a new sense of the common good could be within reach Today is Earth Day, which should provide us with…

Air pollution could kill 160,000 in next decade – report
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Air pollution could kill 160,000 in next decade – report

This article was taken from: By PA Media British Heart Foundation predicts current total of 11,000 particulate-related deaths per year will continue to rise More than 160,000 people could die over the next decade from strokes and heart attacks caused by air pollution, a charity has warned. That is the equivalent of more than…

Depression and suicide linked to air pollution in new global study
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Depression and suicide linked to air pollution in new global study

This article was taken from: By Damian Carrington Environment editor Cutting toxic air might prevent millions of people getting depression, research suggests People living with air pollution have higher rates of depression and suicide, a systematic review of global data has found. Cutting air pollution around the world to the EU’s legal limit could prevent…

Air pollution ‘triggers hundreds more heart attacks and strokes’
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Air pollution ‘triggers hundreds more heart attacks and strokes’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Sudden spikes in air pollution in the UK trigger hundreds more heart attacks, strokes and acute asthma attacks on those days, research suggests. A team at King’s College London looked at data from London, Birmingham, Bristol, Derby, Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham, Oxford and Southampton. Days when…

Growing up in dirty air ‘quadruples chances of developing depression’
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Growing up in dirty air ‘quadruples chances of developing depression’

This article was taken from: By Damian Carrington Environment editor Young people more likely to have depression at 18 if exposed to dirtier air at age 12 Children who lived in areas with higher air pollution when younger are significantly more likely to have developed major depression by the age of 18, according to research. In…