Air pollution levels ‘forcing families to move out of cities’
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Air pollution levels ‘forcing families to move out of cities’

This article was taken from: By: Jamie Doward As diesel emission fears mount, a growing number of parents now consider clean air the main factor when choosing a school An increasing number of parents are shunning good schools because of the local air quality while some are even looking to move out of cities altogether,…

Scientists confirm for the first time that air pollution causes heart disease and stroke
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Scientists confirm for the first time that air pollution causes heart disease and stroke

This article was taken from: By Tom Bawden Air pollution is responsible for five per cent of all deaths in the UK, scientists say Air pollution poses as big a threat to our health as obesity and needs to be taken just as seriously, the British Heart Foundation claims today. Speaking after scientists categorically confirmed…

Air pollution linked to spikes in hospital and GP visits
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Air pollution linked to spikes in hospital and GP visits

This article was taken from: By Matthew Taylor environment correspondent Study shows poor air quality leads to health problems and ‘should serve as a warning’ Air pollution leads to spikes in health problems and drives up hospital admissions and visits to the GP, according to a new study. The report proves an “absolutely clear” link between poor air…