‘Drunk tanks’ to ease NHS pressure
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‘Drunk tanks’ to ease NHS pressure

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-46591187 By BBC Health News NHS England is making up to £300,000 available over the festive period to fund dozens of “drunk tanks”. These supervised units are places where revellers who have over-indulged can be checked and allowed to sleep it off. They should help take the pressure off hospital and…

Chronic heavy drinking leads to serious risk of dementia, study warns

Chronic heavy drinking leads to serious risk of dementia, study warns

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/feb/20/chronic-heavy-drinking-leads-to-serious-risk-of-dementia-study-warns By Sarah BoseleyHealth editor Questions also raised for moderate drinkers of alcohol about their social habit Heavy drinkers are putting themselves at risk of dementia, according to the largest study of its kind ever conducted. Research published in the Lancet Public Health journal provides powerful evidence that people who drink enough to…

NHS: Alcohol-related hospital admissions hit record high after addiction support services slashed

NHS: Alcohol-related hospital admissions hit record high after addiction support services slashed

This article was taken from: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/nhs-latest-alcohol-addiction-hospital-admissions-record-high-support-services-rehab-cut-jeremy-hunt-a8200876.html By May Bulman Social Affairs Correspondent Exclusive: Surge in alcohol-related admissions over last decade prompt warnings public health cuts have ‘failed’ thousands and mounted pressures on A&E departments The number of people being admitted to hospital due to problems with alcohol has hit a record high in England, new figures show, following steep cuts to addiction support services in recent years. Alcohol-related…

Liver disease is set to be new biggest killer as Brits drink to excess
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Liver disease is set to be new biggest killer as Brits drink to excess

This article was taken from: https://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/health/liver-disease-set-new-biggest-11934755 By Miriam Stoppard Vast numbers of Brits are getting liver disease due to excess drinking, obesity and viral hepatitis. Higher alcohol prices could put the brakes on this With more than 10 million adults regularly drinking more than 14 units a week – the safe limit – liver disease will probably start to…

Only one in 10 Britons know alcohol causes cancer, survey finds

Only one in 10 Britons know alcohol causes cancer, survey finds

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/jan/08/only-one-10-britons-know-alcohol-causes-cancer-survey-finds By Denis Campbell Health policy editor Cancer Research UK says scale of ignorance is worrying as findings also show backing for warning labels on bottles and cans Only one in 10 people know that alcohol causes cancer, according to findings that also show strong public backing for cans and bottles…