Air pollution ‘triggers hundreds more heart attacks and strokes’
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Air pollution ‘triggers hundreds more heart attacks and strokes’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Sudden spikes in air pollution in the UK trigger hundreds more heart attacks, strokes and acute asthma attacks on those days, research suggests. A team at King’s College London looked at data from London, Birmingham, Bristol, Derby, Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham, Oxford and Southampton. Days when…

The care home that built a replica High Street
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The care home that built a replica High Street

This article was taken from: By  Catrin NyeVictoria Derbyshire programme A care home in Birmingham has built a “sensory street” – complete with tea room, sweet shop and post office – to help stimulate its residents. It is particularly helpful to those living with dementia, but how does it work? When you first arrive…

NHS to sign up patients for ‘virtual’ A&E in tech revolution
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NHS to sign up patients for ‘virtual’ A&E in tech revolution

This article was taken from: By Denis Campbell Health policy editor Exclusive: Patients checking systems will be told by chatbot if they need to go to hospital Millions of patients will be encouraged to use digital technology to assess how ill they are under a groundbreaking initiative by a leading NHS hospital, as part of a drive…

Healthcare for the homeless: ‘I probably wouldn’t be alive without them’
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Healthcare for the homeless: ‘I probably wouldn’t be alive without them’

This article was taken: By  Sarah Portlock BBC News Homeless people face various challenges: where to find the next meal; where to seek shelter on a cold night; how to protect themselves from the threat of violence. A specialist service in Birmingham is trying to make life easier for them in one specific area – where…

NHS trust chief warns of no-deal Brexit medicine delays
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NHS trust chief warns of no-deal Brexit medicine delays

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news NHS trusts could “quickly run out of vital medicine” in the event of a no-deal Brexit, the chief executive of a leading hospital group has warned. Dr David Rosser of University Hospitals Birmingham (UHB) said that, despite NHS stockpiling, shortages would likely occur due to “unprecedented”…