Gene therapy for rare eye disease set to be offered on NHS
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Gene therapy for rare eye disease set to be offered on NHS

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News Patients with a rare inherited eye disorder are set to be able to access a new gene therapy on the NHS which slows down sight loss. Draft NICE guidance recommends the therapy (Luxturna) to treat inherited retinal dystrophies. The National Institute for Health and Care…

Smoking ‘damages eyes as well as lungs’
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Smoking ‘damages eyes as well as lungs’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Millions of people in the UK are putting their sight at risk by continuing to smoke, warn specialists. Despite the clear connection, only one in five people recognise that smoking can lead to blindness, a poll for the Association of Optometrists (AOP) finds. Smokers are twice…

Doctors hope for blindness cure after restoring patients’ sight
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Doctors hope for blindness cure after restoring patients’ sight

This article was taken from: By Sarah Boseley Health editor Treatment for common cause of blindness could be available within five years, scientists say A treatment for the commonest cause of blindness could be available within five years, scientists believe, after revealing the first two patients given a revolutionary stem cell therapy have regained enough vision to…