Lifesize 1950s figures to tour care homes
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Lifesize 1950s figures to tour care homes

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Lifesize knitted characters decked out in 1950s clothes are to tour care homes to spark reminiscences in the elderly. A family going on holiday, Gladys the church organist and a girl in a bathing costume had formed retro scenes for a village festival in Norfolk last month….

Care homes showcase value of the arts to elderly health and wellbeing reducing stress and boosting confidence
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Care homes showcase value of the arts to elderly health and wellbeing reducing stress and boosting confidence

This article was taken from: By Corazon Miller Elderly residents are receiving the physical and mental benefits of access to the arts world as more care home providers incorporate creativity into their daily timetable. It is the seventh annual Care Home Open Day tomorrow and rest homes around the country are using it as…

The care home that built a replica High Street
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The care home that built a replica High Street

This article was taken from: By  Catrin NyeVictoria Derbyshire programme A care home in Birmingham has built a “sensory street” – complete with tea room, sweet shop and post office – to help stimulate its residents. It is particularly helpful to those living with dementia, but how does it work? When you first arrive…

English ‘short-changed on care funding’
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English ‘short-changed on care funding’

This article was taken from: By  Nick Triggle Health correspondent Public spending on care for the elderly and disabled is much higher in Scotland and Wales than England, figures show. In England, £310 per person is spent each year on services such as care homes and home help for daily tasks such as washing and…

Rise of the ‘Robopets’ improves health of care homes’ elderly
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Rise of the ‘Robopets’ improves health of care homes’ elderly

This article was taken from: By Angeline Albert Robotic pets that can respond to human interaction are improving the health and wellbeing of older people living in care homes, say academics. Researchers reviewing studies at 900 care homes found evidence that ‘robopets’ can provide comfort and pleasure and reduce agitation and loneliness in older…