New CQC Guidance: The CQC digital record system guidance prioritises availability, security, and governance while adopting a person-centred approach.
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New CQC Guidance: The CQC digital record system guidance prioritises availability, security, and governance while adopting a person-centred approach.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has issued guidelines on best practices for digital record systems. The focus is on the importance of “good quality records” in delivering safe, effective, compassionate, and high-quality care. The CQC shares four principles for providers to follow in order to maintain person-centred systems with an emphasis on availability, security, and…

Warnings on hospital crowding with doubling in legal actions by CQC

Warnings on hospital crowding with doubling in legal actions by CQC

This article was taken from: By:  Laura Donnelly, health editor  8 OCTOBER 2017 • 6:01AM A growing crisis in hospital safety is revealed in official figures showing a doubling in the number of legal warnings issued by NHS watchdogs. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) launched 135 “enforcement actions” against hospitals in 2016/17 – a rise from 58…