UK’s number of doctors per capita is one of lowest in Europe
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UK’s number of doctors per capita is one of lowest in Europe

This article was taken from: By Lea Skopeliti Study of leading economies says there are just 2.8 doctors per 1,000 people, with only Poland worse off The UK has the second lowest number of doctors in leading European nations relative to its population, according to research for the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development…

Gardens Ecotherapy: why plants are the latest treatment for depression and anxiety
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Gardens Ecotherapy: why plants are the latest treatment for depression and anxiety

This article was taken from: By Emine Saner at Guardian News The combination of physical activity, social contact and being surrounded by nature is thought to make gardening beneficial for our mental health Many gardeners already know the uplifting feeling you get from being muddied of hand, nurturing plants from seed to bloom and…

Drug shortages are endangering lives and wasting NHS time
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Drug shortages are endangering lives and wasting NHS time

This article was taken from: By Zara Aziz I shouldn’t have to spend large chunks of my day tracking down certain medicines or researching alternatives As a GP, managing patients’ medicine requests has until now been a seamless process of writing prescriptions to send to nominated pharmacies to dispense. But drug shortages mean that…

NHS to sign up patients for ‘virtual’ A&E in tech revolution
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NHS to sign up patients for ‘virtual’ A&E in tech revolution

This article was taken from: By Denis Campbell Health policy editor Exclusive: Patients checking systems will be told by chatbot if they need to go to hospital Millions of patients will be encouraged to use digital technology to assess how ill they are under a groundbreaking initiative by a leading NHS hospital, as part of a drive…

Push for more take-up of flu vaccine before Christmas
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Push for more take-up of flu vaccine before Christmas

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Public Health England (PHE) is urging pregnant women and those over 65 to get the flu jab, after a fall in take-up compared to this time last year. PHE said it was best to get the jab ahead of Christmas, before flu typically starts to circulate….