Millions could lose GP next year as staff shortages and stress force doctors to close surgeries, study claims
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Millions could lose GP next year as staff shortages and stress force doctors to close surgeries, study claims

This article was taken from: By Tom Barnes at the Indepedent news Survey suggests hundreds in England could walk away from profession next year citing poor working conditions Millions of patients could lose their GP surgery within the next 12 months as factors such as stress contribute to a shortage of doctors, a new…

More tests key to raising English cancer survival rates – charity
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More tests key to raising English cancer survival rates – charity

This article was taken from: By Sarah Boseley Health editor Many more people who go to see their GP with possible cancer symptoms need to be sent for hospital tests if England is to have a hope of bringing survival rates up to the level of equivalent countries, according to a report. The report by a team…

GPs should prescribe holidays to help patients at risk of heart disease live longer, say experts
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GPs should prescribe holidays to help patients at risk of heart disease live longer, say experts

This article was taken from: By Laura Donnelly, health editor, in Munich Holidays should be prescribed by GPs to help people at risk of heart disease live longer, new research shows. Heart experts said doctors should recommend a break to middle-aged patients trying to overhaul their health – not just tick them off about bad habits. The 40-year…

Promote honey rather than antibiotics for coughs, doctors told
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Promote honey rather than antibiotics for coughs, doctors told

This article was taken from: By Guardian news GPs urged to tell patients to use over-the-counter remedies rather than the drugs Doctors are to be told to promote honey and over-the-counter remedies as the go-to treatment for coughs rather than antibiotics. They will be told not to offer the drugs in most cases and to instead…

GPs urge £2.5bn extra cash injection from NHS England
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GPs urge £2.5bn extra cash injection from NHS England

This article was taken from: By Denis Campbell Health policy editor Doctors demand that government ‘invests properly’ to ensure safe care for patients Family doctors are demanding an emergency cash injection of £2.5bn to help struggling surgeries cope with demand and offer patients appointments within a reasonable time. Leaders of the profession want NHS bosses to plough…