Sepsis test could cut diagnosis time from days to minutes
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Sepsis test could cut diagnosis time from days to minutes

This article was taken from: By BBC News Photo by: Global Sepsis Alliance – World Sepsis Day website Scientists say a new test for sepsis could cut diagnosis times from days to minutes. Detecting the deadly illness is difficult because the symptoms are nondescript. Current tests can take as long as 48 hours –…

Cancer ‘biggest middle-age killer in rich nations’
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Cancer ‘biggest middle-age killer in rich nations’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Cancer now causes more deaths among the middle-aged in higher-income countries than cardiovascular disease, a study suggests. Globally, heart problems and stroke is the leading cause of death at this age. But the researchers say people in rich nations are 2.5 times more likely to…

Cancer patients in England ‘diagnosed too late’ due to staff shortages
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Cancer patients in England ‘diagnosed too late’ due to staff shortages

This article was taken from: By Sarah Boseley Health editor Cancer Research UK estimates 115,000 people diagnosed at stage 3 or 4, hampered by chronic lack of skilled diagnostic staff At least 115,000 cancer patients in England are diagnosed at an advanced stage each year, too late to have the best chance of survival, say…

Breast cancer risk from using HRT is ‘twice what was thought’
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Breast cancer risk from using HRT is ‘twice what was thought’

This article was taken from: By Sarah Boseley Health editor Study prompts medicines regulator to advise all women using HRT to remain vigilant The risk of breast cancer from using hormone replacement therapy is double what was previously thought, according to a major piece of research, which confirms that HRT is a direct cause of…

Why red wine could be good for your gut – in moderation
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Why red wine could be good for your gut – in moderation

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Red wine could be good for the gut, increasing the number of different types of helpful bacteria that can live there, according to researchers. The benefits are likely to come from polyphenols – compounds that white wine, beer and cider have far less of, the…