GP ‘ghost patients’ to be investigated by NHS fraud squad
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GP ‘ghost patients’ to be investigated by NHS fraud squad

This article was taken from: The NHS fraud squad is investigating GPs in England amid suspicions they are claiming for non-existent patients. Doctors get £150 a year for each patient on their list, but records show there were 3.6 million more patients in the system last year than there were people in England. The…

One million new STIs every day, says WHO
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One million new STIs every day, says WHO

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news One million new sexually transmitted infections (STIs) occur every single day, the World Health Organization has estimated. That means more than 376 million new cases annually of four infections – chlamydia, gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis, and syphilis. The WHO highlights a lack of progress in stopping the…

Is it time to treat sugar like smoking?
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Is it time to treat sugar like smoking?

This article was taken from: By Nick Triggle Health correspondent Over the past decade, smoking has become marginalised and stigmatised. From the smoking ban in 2007 to the introduction of plain packaging a decade later, everything has been done to discourage people from taking up the habit. And there are signs sugar is heading…

Breast cancer drug gives new hope to young women with disease by improving survival by 50 per cent
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Breast cancer drug gives new hope to young women with disease by improving survival by 50 per cent

This article was taken from: By Laura Donnelly, health editor Young women with incurable breast cancer have been offered new hope after a “fantastic” drug combination was found to boost survival by more than 50 per cent. Charities said the breakthrough is one of the greatest advances in treatment of the disease for decades –…

Mumps and measles cases in England prompt vaccine call
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Mumps and measles cases in England prompt vaccine call

This article was taken from: By  James GallagherHealth and science correspondent, BBC News A significant increase in mumps cases and continuing outbreaks of measles in England have led to calls for people to ensure they are immunised. Public Health England said even one person missing their vaccinations was “too many”. There were 795 cases…