Virtual reality to help detect early risk of Alzheimer’s
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Virtual reality to help detect early risk of Alzheimer’s

This article was taken from: By Robin McKie Navigation skills tested through headsets may identify patients far earlier Scientists have found an unexpected use for virtual reality headsets: to help pinpoint people who may later develop Alzheimer’s disease. The devices, widely used by computer gamers, display images that can be used to test the navigational skills of…

NHS hospitals close to capacity in first week of December
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NHS hospitals close to capacity in first week of December

This article was taken from: By Paul Kelso, health correspondent NHS England says bed occupancy should not exceed 92% while health experts say anything above 85% can compromise patient safety. NHS hospitals in England were close to capacity in the first week of December, with 94.2% of beds across the country occupied, close to last…

‘Weigh-ins help prevent piling on pounds at Christmas’
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‘Weigh-ins help prevent piling on pounds at Christmas’

This article was taken from: By  Laurel Ives, From BBC Health Regular weigh-ins at home, plus simple weight-loss tips, could prevent people from piling on the pounds at Christmas, according to a new study. The Universities of Birmingham and Loughborough divided 272 volunteers into two groups. The “intervention” group weighed themselves regularly. They were also given information…

Push for more take-up of flu vaccine before Christmas
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Push for more take-up of flu vaccine before Christmas

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Public Health England (PHE) is urging pregnant women and those over 65 to get the flu jab, after a fall in take-up compared to this time last year. PHE said it was best to get the jab ahead of Christmas, before flu typically starts to circulate….

More than half of doctors considering quitting NHS or cutting their hours, polling finds
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More than half of doctors considering quitting NHS or cutting their hours, polling finds

This article was taken from: By Laura Donnelly, Health Editor at Telegraph news More than half of UK doctors are considering quitting the NHS or cutting their hours in the hope of an easier life, research shows. The polling of 2,600 doctors by the General Medical Council (GMC) found 56 per cent were examining other career…