Mental health hospital admissions linked to cocaine use treble in 10 years
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Mental health hospital admissions linked to cocaine use treble in 10 years

This article was taken from: By Sarah Marsh NHS data shows surge in England, with increased availability of drug and government cuts blamed The number of hospital admissions for mental health disorders linked to cocaine use has almost trebled in the past decade, official figures show. NHS Digital data has shown that in England between 2017-18 there…

A 15-minute scan could help diagnose brain damage in newborns
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A 15-minute scan could help diagnose brain damage in newborns

This article was taken from: By Kate Wighton A 15-minute scan could help diagnose brain damage in babies up to two years earlier than current methods. In a study of over 200 babies at seven hospitals across the UK and the USA, researchers found the brain scan, called magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy, predicted damage with 98…

‘I feel really bad when I hurt my mum’
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‘I feel really bad when I hurt my mum’

This article was taken from: By  Noel PhillipsVictoria Derbyshire programme Some doctors in rural areas are having to apply for extra funding in order to diagnose patients with autism, the Royal College of GPs has said. The BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme has spoken to families with autistic children who are struggling to cope with their violent…

‘I was in excruciating pain from excess iron’
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‘I was in excruciating pain from excess iron’

This article was taken from: By Laurel IvesBBC Health For years, Katherine Hough, 27, suffered from a series of mystifying symptoms. “I had unexplained stomach pains. Then when I got to university I began to faint frequently, my hair was falling out, I had severe joint pains and was constantly tired. My Mum thought it…

Dementia risk: Five-minute scan ‘can predict cognitive decline’
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Dementia risk: Five-minute scan ‘can predict cognitive decline’

This article was taken from: By  Alex Therrien Health reporter, BBC News A five-minute scan could be used to spot people at risk of dementia before symptoms appear, researchers claim. Scientists used ultrasound scanners to look at blood vessels in the necks of more than 3,000 people and monitored them over the next 15 years. They found…