Antidepressant withdrawal ‘hits millions’
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Antidepressant withdrawal ‘hits millions’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Millions of people get bad side-effects trying to cut down on or come off antidepressants, a large review says. The All Party Parliamentary Group for Prescribed Drug Dependence review suggests half of patients have withdrawal symptoms and for half of these the symptoms will be severe. Patients should…

Half of women ‘will develop dementia or Parkinson’s or have a stroke’
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Half of women ‘will develop dementia or Parkinson’s or have a stroke’

This article was taken from: By Sarah Boseley and agencies Third of men and one in two women aged 45 are likely to go on to be diagnosed with one of the conditions, study says One in two women will develop dementia or Parkinson’s disease, or have a stroke, in their lifetime, new research suggests. About a…

Nurses pass vote of no confidence in union over pay deal handling
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Nurses pass vote of no confidence in union over pay deal handling

This article was taken from: By Mattha Busby Royal College of Nursing council expected to step down after members’ fury over miscommunicated pay rise Royal College of Nursing members angry with their union’s handling of changes to the NHS pay deal have voted to pass a motion of no confidence in the organisation in a unprecedented move amid…

EpiPen users told they can use some devices past normal expiry date
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EpiPen users told they can use some devices past normal expiry date

This article was taken from: By Alex TherrienHealth reporter, BBC News People with severe allergies have been told they can use their EpiPens past their normal expiry date, amid a continuing shortage of the devices. The medicines regulator said it had agreed to extend the use-by date of some 0.3mg EpiPens by four months. It comes…

Separating fact from hype in the study of cancer and obesity
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Separating fact from hype in the study of cancer and obesity

This article was taken from: Findings of a report from Cancer Research UK about cancer in women are challenged by David Steinsaltz The recent report by Cancer Research UK (Obesity set to be bigger cause of cancer in women than smoking, 24 September) hypes a very minor and unsurprising result – that the fraction of…