Hospital waiting list in England highest since 2007
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Hospital waiting list in England highest since 2007

This article was taken from: By BBC News The number of people waiting for a hospital operation in England is at its highest for more than a decade An estimated 4.2m people are waiting to be seen – the highest since 2007. April’s figures also showed growing numbers waiting more than 18 weeks, the treatment…

Dementia risk to 50-year-olds with raised blood pressure – study
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Dementia risk to 50-year-olds with raised blood pressure – study

This article was taken from: By Press Association Possible reason for link could be damage from silent or mini-strokes, researchers say Fifty-year-olds with slightly raised blood pressure are at an increased risk of getting dementia in later life, a new study has suggested. Study participants had a greater risk even if they did not have other heart-related problems,…

NHS at 70: giving blood – one of the triumphs of modern medicine
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NHS at 70: giving blood – one of the triumphs of modern medicine

This article was taken from: By Paul Gallagher Pill that coats the small intestine reduces its ability to absorb sugars and other nutrients It may not have the best reputation today, as the world seeks to drastically reduce their dependency on them, but in 1948 the development of the plastic bag revolutionised blood collection. Until…

Antibiotic resistance could be countered by anti-bacterial viruses
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Antibiotic resistance could be countered by anti-bacterial viruses

This article was taken from: By Nicola Davis Research found some patients had lower E coli levels after being given cocktail of ‘phages’ Viruses that invade bacteria but leave human cells alone could help scientists find ways around the growing problem of antibiotic resistance, researchers have said. A study has showed that a cocktail of bacteriophages,…

Hospitals struggling to afford new equipment after NHS budget cuts
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Hospitals struggling to afford new equipment after NHS budget cuts

This article was taken from: By Denis Campbell Health policy editor Hospitals struggling to afford new equipment after NHS budget cut Hospitals can no longer afford the most modern scanners and surgical equipment to treat patients who have cancer and other diseases because of multibillion-pound cuts to the NHS’s capital budget, research reveals. Staff are having to continue…