Thousands of calls made to breast screen error helpline

Thousands of calls made to breast screen error helpline

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News More than 8,000 calls have been made to a helpline since it was revealed that 450,000 women were not invited to routine breast cancer screening due to a computer error. Public Health England says it was not aware of a national problem with the screening programme until January….

Scientists build ‘synthetic embryos’
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Scientists build ‘synthetic embryos’

This article was taken from: By Michelle RobertsHealth editor, BBC News online Dutch scientists have built “synthetic” embryos in their laboratory using mouse cells other than sperm and eggs. The stem cell breakthrough, described in Nature journal, is not for cloning people or animals, but about understanding why many pregnancies fail at an early stage –…

Brain tumour research to get £18m injection
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Brain tumour research to get £18m injection

This article was taken from: By Nicola Davis The sum is part of a £25m boost in funding by Cancer Research UK for brain cancer over the next five year Brain tumour research is to get an £18 million injection of funding to aid projects ranging from exploring how such cancers begin to developing new ways…

‘Uber for carers’ startup raises £13m to buy struggling home care firms

‘Uber for carers’ startup raises £13m to buy struggling home care firms

This article was taken from: By Jack Torrance  A startup dubbed the “Uber for carers” has raised $17m (£12.5m) to help fund its plan to transform the struggling home care industry by buying up failing providers and moving their patients and carers onto its digital platform. Cera, which is backed by Standard Chartered’s ex-chief executive Peter…

Some antidepressants linked to dementia risk
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Some antidepressants linked to dementia risk

This article was taken from: By Sarah Boseley Health editor Scientists say doctors should consider weaning patients with depression, Parkinsons or bladder problems off anticholinergic drugs Some antidepressants and bladder medicines could be linked to dementia, according to a team of scientists who are calling for doctors to think about “de-prescribing” them where possible. Tricyclic antidepressants such…