NHS pressures causing avoidable harm to 500 patients a year – report
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NHS pressures causing avoidable harm to 500 patients a year – report

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/dec/19/nhs-pressures-causing-avoidable-harm-to-500-patients-a-year-report By Denis Campbell Health policy editor Unmanageable hospital workloads exposing people to increased risks, regulator finds Patients in England are being harmed because doctors and nurses are too busy to enforce directives designed to improve safety, a scathing report by the NHS regulator has found. People in hospital are exposed to increased risk, including…

Evening and weekend GP appointments rolled out across England, NHS announces
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Evening and weekend GP appointments rolled out across England, NHS announces

This article was taken from: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/12/17/evening-weekend-gp-appointments-rolled-across-england-nhs-announces/ By Sophie Barnes Evening and weekend GP appointments have now been rolled out across England, health bosses have announced. NHS England said that an estimated nine million extra appointments per year are now available to patients outside of normal working hours. The extended access available from today means people will be…

NHS to offer mature students £5k to become mental health nurses
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NHS to offer mature students £5k to become mental health nurses

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/dec/16/nhs-to-offer-mature-students-5k-to-become-mental-health-nurses By Denis Campbell Health policy editor Effort to tackle severe staff shortages criticised as a ‘drop in the ocean’ The NHS will offer mature students a £5,000 bonus to become mental health or learning disability nurses as part of its forthcoming long term plan, the Guardian can reveal. The payments are designed to…

Neurosurgery could spread protein linked to Alzheimer’s, study finds
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Neurosurgery could spread protein linked to Alzheimer’s, study finds

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/dec/13/neurosurgery-could-spread-protein-linked-to-alzheimers-study-finds By Ian Sample Science editor Doctors should decontaminate tools more thoroughly as a precaution, say researchers Surgical instruments used in brain operations should be treated to ensure they are not contaminated with proteins linked to Alzheimer’s disease, according to scientists who found evidence that they may be spread by certain medical procedures….

Cervical screening error: More women affected
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Cervical screening error: More women affected

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-46520943 By BBC Health news An additional 3,591 women have not received information about NHS cervical cancer screening, it has emerged. Capita, the company contracted to send out the screening invitations, made the discovery while investigating an administrative error already known to have affected 40,000 women in England. NHS England says there…